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Blood Support

BLOOD ON DEMAND project started by Helping Hands FOR ALL on 01/Sep/2019, is providing healthy blood through volunteer blood donors, free of cost without referring any cast and creed all over India in real emergencies..

  • BLOOD ON DEMAND project started by Helping Hands FOR ALL on 01 September 2019, is providing healthy blood through volunteer blood donors, free of cost without referring any cast and creed all over India in real emergencies
  • Let others benefit from your good health. Do donate blood if ...
  • You are between the age group of 18-60 years
  • Your weight is 45 kgs or more
  • Your hemoglobin is 12.5 gm% minimum
  • Your last blood donation was 3 months earlier
  • You are healthy and have not suffered from malaria, typhoid or other transmissible diseases in the recent

Looking For A Donor?

Fill up this form and find a reliable donor anytime!

  • Blood required at which location
  • Support the cause and help the needy by filling up this form!

Donate now and contribute to humanity!

Fill the requirements and give plenty of happiness to the people who are in need!

  • Residential Address:
  • Office Address:(if working)
  • ID Proof

Key Facts:

The Interesting Facts of Donating Blood
  • India celebrates National Blood Donation Day on 1st October every year. The day aims to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation and honor voluntary blood donors.
  • India also observes World Blood Donor Day on 14th June each year, joining the global campaign to appreciate and recognize voluntary blood donors and encourage more people to donate blood.
  • Despite being the world's most populous country, India faces significant challenges in maintaining an adequate and safe blood supply. The demand for blood often exceeds the available supply, especially during emergencies and in rural areas.
  • In India, individuals between the ages of 18 and 65 who meet certain health criteria can donate blood. However, specific eligibility criteria may vary between blood banks and donation centers.
  • The National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) in India has implemented a comprehensive Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) program to ensure safe and quality blood transfusions. The program includes screening donated blood for infections like HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and syphilis.
  • The actual blood donation typically takes less than 10-12 minutes. The entire process, from the time you arrive to the time you leave, takes about an hour and 15 min.
  • The average adult has about 10 units of blood in his body. Roughly 1 unit is given during a donation.
  • A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days, or double red cells every 112 days.
  • Only 7 percent of people in India have O-negative blood type. O-negative blood type donors are universal donors as their blood can be given to people of all blood types.
  • Type O-negative blood is needed in emergencies before the patient's blood type is known and with newborns who need blood.
  • Thirty-five percent of people have Type O (positive or negative) blood.
  • 0.4 percent of people have AB-blood type. AB-type blood donors are universal donors of plasma, which is often used in emergencies, for newborns and for patients requiring massive transfusions.
  • Some regions in India maintain a blood donor registry, which allows individuals to register as voluntary blood donors. These registries serve as a database to match potential donors with specific blood requirements in emergencies.
The Surprising Benefits of Donating Blood
  • Reducess Stress - Improve your emotional well-being
  • A Free Health Checkups
  • Provide a sense of belonging and reduce isolation
  • A Healthier Heart and Vascular System - Benefit your physical health
  • Help get rid of negative feelings - A Happier, Longer Life
  • Added Bonus - A Calorie-free Snack.
  • Reduces Iron Levels - Regular blood donation can help reduce excessive iron levels in the body.
  • Stimulation of Blood Cell Production - When blood is donated, the body naturally replenishes the donated blood. This process stimulates the production of new blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It helps maintain a healthy blood cell count and promotes overall blood circulation.
  • Improved Blood Flow - Blood donation helps maintain the viscosity and flow of blood. By reducing the overall blood volume in the body, blood donation promotes better blood flow and prevents the thickening of blood, which can contribute to cardiovascular issues.


Frequently Asked Questions before and after donating Blood !!

  • Can your blood expire ?

    No, Each unit of whole blood is separated into several components. Red blood cells may be stored under refrigeration for a maximum of 42 days. Platelets are stored at room temperature and may be kept for a maximum of five to seven days.

  • What makes blood expire ?

    It turns out that within hours of leaving the body, levels of nitric oxide in the blood begin to drop, until, by the time donated blood expires after 42 days, the gas is almost nonexistent. "The reality is that we are giving blood that cannot deliver oxygen properly," says Stamler, lead author of the study.

  • How fast does your body make blood ?

    The blood volume is typically replaced within 24 hours. Red blood cells take between 4-6 weeks to completely replace, which is why the FDA requires an 8 week wait between blood donations.

  • What is the rarest blood type ?

    AB negative is the rarest of the eight main blood types - just 1% of our donors have it. Despite being rare, demand for AB negative blood is low and we don't struggle to find donors with AB negative blood.

  • Why Donations are so important ?

    Recent studies show that there is a need for blood transfusions every 2 seconds. Whole blood is the simplest, most common type of blood donation. An appointment to donate whole blood can take as little as one hour, and the actual donation is only 8-10 minutes of that time.

  • What Is A Universal Blood Donor ?

    Universal donors are those with an O negative blood type.

  • Why are health screenings important ?

    As part of every blood donation, you will receive a free health screening with information that may provide important insights into your health status. You can see the results of your health screening such as your pulse, blood pressure and haemoglobin level, as well as view trends in these important vitals over time, through our free Blood on Demand project by helping hands for all foundation.

  • Is it safe to give right now ?

    Each helping hands for all blood donors follows high standards of safety and infection control. We are taking precautions to help ensure the safety of our employees, volunteers and donors.

  • What if a donor becomes sick after donating ?

    We provide a call back number donors should call if they become sick with any illness in the days after their donation.

  • How many people need blood in a day in India ?

    According to 2021 statistics, India's annual blood requirement is around 1.5 crore units. In every two seconds, a patient in India needs blood and one out of every three people will need blood in their lifetime. A person has five to six litres of blood in his or her body and can donate blood every 90 days.
    The human body can recover blood very quickly — blood plasma volume within 24-48 hours, red blood cells in about three weeks and platelets and white blood cells within minutes.
    "Blood donation is a noble cause and given our rich culture and tradition of 'seva' or ' sahyog', on Blood Donation, let us all pledge to be always there for someone else and donate blood regularly," You cannot buy happiness, but you can donate blood for a smile. Any time and any where.