You can help us by providing food and clothes to underprivileged children and people to meet their basic needs.
Your small donation and love will be helpful for supporting quality education and food for people in need.
We appreciate supporters who are passionate about improving the lives of children, women and old age people.
We are always here to help you to organize a successful medical camps & happy to support this noble cause.
We provide blood all over India
Every other person suffers from not getting enough blood from blood banks and hospitals. With our new and improved system, we provide blood to those in need in a much faster and more efficient manner. By having blood donors all over the country, we are able to provide blood to those who need it the most in a timely manner.
Donate NowLet’s make a positive difference in the lives of the people with the right approach.
We specialize in delivering life-saving blood to individuals across India. With a high demand for blood in the country, many people struggle to find an adequate supply from blood banks and hospitals.
Our dedicated NGO is steadfast in its mission to empower brilliant and underprivileged children by providing them with the educational opportunities they rightfully deserve.
There are a lot of old people who need shelter where they can call it their ‘Home’. They will no longer be called as ‘Homeless’ and will be able to maintain their dignity.
We firmly believe that no child should ever be left behind when it comes to access to nourishment. That's why our unwavering commitment is to extend a helping hand in feeding hungry children.
This noble initiative works tirelessly to eradicate gender-based discrimination, uplift the status of girls, and ensure their right to education, health, and protection.
We are dedicated to humanitarian aid focusing on providing assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, poverty, or other emergencies.
Have a sneak peek at bright smiles!
One of my friend’s needed blood and Helping Hands For All Foundation helped him and saved his life. Thankyou. You guys are doing a great job!
Helping Hands For All Foundation is doing a great job by feeding the hungry children. Now, no one will sleep empty stomach and no one will be malnutritional.
They say that the children are the future of our country and Helping Hands For All Foundation made sure that education reaches to all.
If you know some old people who don’t have a shelter then Helping Hands For All Foundation will surely get them one! They have helped a lot of old people and gave shelter to live.